Thursday, January 21, 2010

News: Good & Not So Good

When given the option, I always choose the bad news first. My darling 6-1/2 month old boxer got a hold of one of my favorite shoes and did this to it. I know, I know. It's my fault for not watching him. But in my defense I had him barricaded in our livingroom/foyer area of the house. I was working in my studio just around the corner, had been through the room he was in happily gnawing on a rawhide twice in 45 min or so. I had no reason to believe he was getting in to trouble since HE HAS NEVER chewed a shoe (or anything he shouldn't for that matter). The ironic this is that given that it is Winter I have not worn these flats for several months. Where did he get it? is my question! Well, what's done is done. I will now mourn the loss of one of my favorite (irreplaceable, might I add) pairs of Summer flats. I am truly heartbroken.

The other ironic thing is that just a couple of hours before my darling puppy committed this heinous crime I had checked out this audiobook called Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison. How did he know? They say Boxers are intelligent dogs...but omniscient??? : )

The good news is obvious, I think. Yowza! I received this amazing stone in the mail today from dalerocks09. Pictures (and words) don't do this Mexican Lace Agate justice. I can't even tell you how happy this stone makes me! When I ordered it I didn't know if it would end up around my neck or someone elses...but I think I may just have to keep it. For now anyway. I do tire of such things quickly. But for now I am perfectly content just staring at it.

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